Senin, 26 November 2012


1.Great Mosque of Banten
Bantam known by his religious life and mutually tolerant of one another. Bantam grand mosque built by Sultan Maulana Yusuf in the year 1566. Apart from development center of Islam in Various offerings, this mosque was also built to complement the existing empire building.

Meanwhile, Chinese temples found in Banten was built in the early days of the sultanate of Banten, and is located approximately 50 yards from the fort Speelwijk. This temple is one of the oldest temples in Indonesia.

2.Ujung Kulon National Park
Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the world of nature conservation areas declared by UNESCO world body (the world heritage site). If you entered the area's natural of jungle, you can still see one-horned rhinoceros animals are almost extinct. In this place there are also areas of grazing buffalo, birds and animals merank other specific. This place is surrounded by the beautiful island of Pulai-around which is perfect for sports diving.

 3. Panorama of Mount Krakatau
In the middle of Mount Krakatau Sunda straits are easy to archived by speedboat from Anyer and Carita. The mountain is famous throughout the world with eruptive in 1883, who was then heard on the western Australia and Colombo. Even the hot clouds and hold out for a week later and reached the European region. New mountain who is the son of Krakatoa began to appear above sea level for the first time earlier in the year 1928 and still active today. Anak Krakatau erupted last little at the end of 2007.

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